Production of building materials

Samara gypsum plant supplies companies producing building materials, construction gypsum G5 BII and gypsum flour.
Gypsum is an ideal material for the production of building materials. It is non-toxic, fireproof, does not conduct electric current, "breathes", regulating the level of humidity-making the room, in the construction of which gypsum building elements are used, is comfortable for living.
Construction gypsum plaster
Construction gypsum plaster is a raw material for the manufacture of gypsum-based products: plasterboards, tongue-and-groove gypsum partition blocks, gypsum chipboards and gypsum-fiber sheets, and gypsum concrete products.
Main advantages of G-5 BII:
- Traditional product for the Russian market, well-known application technology.
- Capacity to manufacture a wide range of construction materials.
- Excellent consumer performance of finished products (environmental friendliness, fire and electrical safety, favorable indoor microclimate).
A number of companies involved in the production of gypsum construction materials (plasterboard, tongue-and-groove gypsum partition blocks, etc.) have already appreciated the advantages of working with our construction gypsum plaster: consistent quality, uninterrupted supply, a transparent pricing system, and a customized approach to each customer.
If your company already produces or plans to launch production of gypsum construction materials, please contact the gypsum products sales department of SGK, CJSC and find out more about our terms of cooperation!
Gypsum powder
Gypsum powder consists of screenings of gypsum stone used as a light filler in the manufacture of cellular concrete products.
Main advantages of gypsum powder:
- Lower bulk density compared to sand and mineral powder.
- High adhesion to concrete.
By using gypsum powder, the manufacturer of building units made of autoclaved aerated concrete can improve the consumer properties of products without increasing their cost.
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