
Dependence of gypsum quality on production process conditions

Gypsum world news

The temperature of gypsum powder immediately after the end of the endothermic process increases sharply and in conditions of excess heat in the particles directly exposed to a sharp rise in temperature, at this point, soluble anhydrite can form. Therefore, at the end of the endothermic process, the gypsum temperature should be sharply reduced. Also, by the end of the endothermic process, during which crystallization water is intensively released from gypsum, the temperature in the boiler furnace or the temperature of gases introduced into the rotating furnace should not be sharply increased.

It is advisable to keep freshly cooked or burnt gypsum in closed languor bins, because at this time the gypsum is evenly warmed up and cools down, and at the same time, soluble anhydrite can be hydrated in the steam-moist environment that will be created in the languor bin for the loading period.

In the absence of languor bins and the need to transfer gypsum to the warehouse in silos, it should be transported in closed screw screws.

Gypsum grinding machines affect the quality of gypsum: the same gypsum ground in a disintegrator shows a slower setting time and better strength than that ground in a ball mill.

Gypsum, as you know, is able to absorb moisture from the air, so it is best to pack it in three-layer paper bags of 40-50 kg each while still hot. Natural gypsum stone has much lower strength and is more expensive than limestone stone, and, accordingly, requires more careful and economical handling.


Samara, Russia
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