Leading managers of Samara Gypsum Plant attended the seminar of Yitzhak Calderon Adizes

On March 22, 2014, the Holiday Inn Hotel hosted a master class by Yitzhak Adizes entitled "Managing changes in the face of uncertainty", which was attended by top managers of Samara Gypsum Plant.
Dr. Yitzhak Calderon Adizes is one of the best business thinkers of our time, a global expert in the field of management and business efficiency, founder and director of the international consulting organization Adizes Institute (USA). He is the author of the theory of fundamental change in management, which is now used by more than 2000 Fortune 500 companies (Volvo, Coca-Cola, Bank of America, IBM Brazil, Shell, SanDisk). The founder and director of the international consulting organization Adizes Institute has advised the governments of Israel, Mexico, Sweden, Brazil, and Serbia.

In the first part of the speech, management guru Yitzhak Adizes spoke about the nature of changes in the modern world and how companies can find their place in them. The event participants learned why changes are important for each company and what happens if there are no changes. The expert also highlighted the internal system of any organization and aspects of leadership.

Further, Yitzhak Adizes delved into the topic of patterns of development of organizations. The question of the organizational structure of companies also did not go unnoticed. Here the expert also spoke about his famous concept of life cycles of organizations and about the "vitamin" approach to the typology of managers. Yitzhak Adizes explained his concept so clearly that by the end of the event, many participants were able to quickly and clearly distinguish between the four qualities of a leader. This idea helped determine what types of managers each organization should have.
In conclusion, the expert clearly distinguished all four qualities of the manager: P - producer of results, A-administrator, E-entrepreneur, I-integrator at each stage of the company's development. Each participant, clearly understanding the stage of development of their company, was able to understand which manager or manager they need.
The management of SGK CJSC will use in-depth knowledge within the framework of the I. Adizes management approach to improve its flexibility and effectiveness.