
30 unsafe gypsum plants closed in Saudi Arabia

Gypsum world news

In Saudi Arabia, officials have closed 30 gypsum production facilities in the city of Umm Srar. The reason was revealed violations of health and safety regulations. From the official message of the mayor of the city, it follows that some of the factories are closed temporarily, until all the shortcomings are corrected, while some of the production facilities are stopped forever.

"The municipality must monitor the activities of producers and ensure that they comply with all the rules. Some of the closed production facilities were located in old houses inside residential areas, " the mayor said. The municipality also conducts regular inspections in the central district of Al-Darb, where illegal workers sell goods from stalls, sidewalks and cars. Inspectors seized more than 30 vehicles and fined their owners for trading without a license.

In addition, according to the results of the inspection, the municipality decided to demolish two buildings built without permission.


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