
A grandiose sports complex will be built in the Samara region

Gypsum world news

Dmitry Shlyakhtin, the Minister of Sports of the Samara Region, received an order from Governor Nikolai Merkushkin to prepare all the design documentation for the new Martial Arts Palace this year. According to the plan, the capacity of the arena will be 5000-7000 people. According to the Minister, the process of selecting the most suitable land plot on which the construction will be built is currently underway.

Shlyakhtin specified that the arena of the Palace of Martial Arts will be designed for at least 4 tatami mats, and the sports complex itself will include all the infrastructure necessary for athletes and visitors: a medical unit, a gym, a hotel block, etc.

In addition, the authorities of the Samara region are considering the possibility of building a multifunctional sports center-transformer, where it will be possible to conduct classes and competitions in any sports, " starting from boxing and ending with equestrian sports."

In total, in 2013, the regional budget allocated 188 million rubles for the construction of sports facilities.


Samara, Russia
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