TM FORMAN was a sponsor of the "First National Championship of professional skills WorldSkills Russia" in Togliatti, April 27-May 1.
From April 27 to May 1, 2013, Togliatti hosted the First WorldSkills Russia 2013 National Championship. Under the arches of the central arena of the Olymp universal Sports complex, it gathered 310 participants under the age of 23, as well as 150 experts and 250 delegates from 42 regions of Russia. Young specialists competed in 22 competencies: welding, cooking, hairdressing, stone processing, tiling, brickwork, web design, system administration, auto mechanics, carpentry, cosmetology, mechatronics, car painting, body repair, installation of ventilation systems, CAD technical design, printing, graphic design, pastry chef, fashion design, jewelry, tractor art.
TM FORMAN was the sponsor of the direction - "Tiling". Blocks of pazogrebnevy plate were constructed for this competition and glue for natural stone, large-format porcelain stoneware and FORMAN No. 53 tiles was provided.
On May 1, 2013, at the closing ceremony of the First National Championship of Professional Skills WorldSkills Russia in Tolyatti, its results were summed up.
So the winners in the category "Tiling" were:
- Salikhov Marat
- Denis Dymov
- Nikishaev Vitaly
The winners received separate gifts from the General Director of Samara Gypsum Plant CJSC.
Responsible judging by competence experts deserves special attention. The commissions for evaluating the proposed tasks included the heads of various functional areas of LLC "Samara Stroyfarfor" and CJSC "Samara Gypsum Plant". When forming a team of experts, we were guided by the availability of experience, skills and achievements in the profession, taking into account the competencies proposed for evaluation. The expert group includes fromOOO "Samara Stroyfarfor":
- Velmesev Pavel Aleksandrovich-Deputy General Director for Capital Construction;
- Sergey Savich Antonov-Construction Supervision Engineer of the Capital Construction Section;
- Sergey A. Barsukov-master of the mechanical shop;
- Markova Viktoria Mikhailovna-Head of the Public catering plant;
from CJSC "Samara Gypsum Plant":
- Sadykov Anver Vyaziryevich-Chief Engineer;
- Alexander G. Lepilin - Head of the Real estate Service.

Representing the Samara team on June 15, 2013 in the direction of "Tiling" in Leipzig will be Alexander G. Lepilin.
TM FORMAN's stand was presented separately at the Championship. Under the strict guidance of the technical specialist Kononenko, all interested parties participated in the master class and independently plastered or plastered the wall, poured a self-leveling floor. Consultations and souvenirs were also provided at the stand.
The mission of WorldSkills International (WSI) is to promote a worldwide understanding that skills, abilities and a high level of competence are essential for achieving the economic success of countries and individual development.
TM FORMAN wishes good luck to the Championship and all its participants!