
CCC market Overview in 2013

Gypsum world news

To date, the Russian market of dry building mixes has fully developed and is replete with various names of any cost and any quality. In recent years, the market has been growing steadily by 15-20% per year, and its further development is considered by experts as extremely favorable, since more and more construction companies prefer to use CCC in their work. The main factors influencing the development are the reduction in the use of self-made mortars in favor of CCC, restrictions on the import of CCC and raw materials, and an increase in the pace of construction.

In October 2013, analysts of the Exchange Leader magazine conducted a study of the marketing presence of the CCC market on the Internet, based on Yandex data.Direct, Yandex.News and Wordstat. The results obtained largely reflect the popularity of certain brands, as well as general market trends. But, of course, the network orientation of the approach imposes significant limitations on the analysis, since the quality of work of marketing departments of enterprises is more likely to be studied than their actual production and market indicators. However, most often these data coincide with each other.

In addition to assessing the popularity of brands, analysts found that Russian residents are most often interested not in the products of specific CCC manufacturers, but in the market direction and product group as a whole. This indicates the low awareness of Russians regarding the existing offers on the market of dry building mixes, poor orientation in their quality and price.

The success of a manufacturing business in the field of building materials largely depends on the effectiveness of advertising and PR of the company. The study showed a relatively low involvement of CCC manufacturers in the competition in the field of electronic media. So, only two companies are mentioned by the media more than 20 times (more than the conditional critical point), only nine of the companies represented in the study were mentioned in the mass media over the past month, and 77.5% of manufacturers were not mentioned even once. According to experts, such low indicators indicate the inefficiency and insufficiency (or complete absence) of advertising companies of CCC manufacturers on the Internet, and this will have a negative impact on their overall popularity in the near future.

The full rating of Russian companies-manufacturers of dry building mixes can be found in the magazine "Exchange leader".


Samara, Russia
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