A new word in the production of plaster stucco
Plaster stucco molding appeared in Russia several centuries ago and deservedly became a traditional method of interior decoration. Currently, the fashion for stucco decor is experiencing a new round of development and even more penetrates into interior design, giving personality and special nobility even to a typical apartment.

As a rule, the most common reliefs are used: rosettes, garlands, monograms, pilasters, caissons, vases, wreaths, cornices, etc. On the other hand, when working with stucco, the imagination of a designer or sculptor is not limited to any framework.
Plaster stucco decorate walls and ceilings, installing it in the form of separate modules or parts, from which the conceived unified composition is assembled. Due to its versatility, stucco molding can be used in many different architectural and decorative styles.
Stucco relief can cover all surfaces and planes, or vice versa, use elegant and modest small accents - the result in both cases will be refined and unusual. In short, stucco decoration is a huge variety of ways and styles of interior design and unlimited opportunities for free experimentation.
By itself, the technology of making plaster stucco products is quite simple: the required number of exact copies of the original part is cast using a mold that is a "negative" impression of the sample part and a gypsum mixture.

The main advantage of the gypsum mixture for making stucco molding is the ability to accurately repeat the smallest details of the shape, not to form shells and cracks, and the absence of strong shrinkage during solidification. To obtain a gypsum mixture with the required properties, it is necessary not only to use high-strength gypsum of the highest quality, but also to properly supplement it with modifying additives and fillers.
Usually, professionals use a mixture of their own composition for the production of products . However, this is associated with a number of difficulties in creating a suitable recipe. You have to optimize the composition by trial and error, almost at random. Even if the master modeller borrowed a "proven" recipe from an open source, the stability of the properties of the components is absent when making the mixture independently. This concerns the problem of ultra-low dosages of chemical components, which are often impossible to implement at home.

Recently, the Samara Gypsum Plant provided a ready — made solution to this problem-the plaster mixture "Sculptor", designed for the production of stucco, sculptural elements, small architectural forms and 3D panels.
Its own gypsum quarry, the scale of production and the presence of its own laboratory allow the plant to produce a ready-made mixture that has excellent qualities and meets all the requirements of gypsum stucco manufacturers. The mix is available for any level of production, including home-made stucco molding for self-repair needs. The composition of the mixture is selected in such a way that it guarantees high strength of the finished product and its ideal surface, the absence of bubbles.

For the production of stucco elements from the "Sculptor "it is only necessary to prepare a solution according to the" mix in water " principle, mix it with a construction mixer or drill with a nozzle until a homogeneous mass is obtained (at least two minutes) and pour it into a mold moistened with water. Products from the mixture have a pure white color, which allows them to be used both without coloring, and effectively painted in any color, adding dye at the stage of preparing the solution.
The appearance of "Sculptor" was a real breakthrough in the field of stucco production, since the use of a ready-made mixture allows you to optimize the production process of products on a market-wide scale. The use of "Sculptor" greatly simplifies and accelerates the production of gypsum stucco products. The appearance of a ready-made mixture finally opened up the possibility of effective and" serious " stucco production at home and without much preparation.