On May 27, Samara Gypsum Plant CJSC held a round table discussion on the use of specialized gypsum binders in the oil and gas sector. The event was attended by representatives of leading research and design institutes of the Russian oil and gas industry, such as BashNIPIneft, TatNIPIneft, SamaraNIPIneft, TomskNIPIneft and Surgutneftegaz.
The participants of the round table discussed the high relevance of the issue of drilling and grouting mud absorption, current and future developments of SGC when using Grouting and Drilling gypsum when fixing wells in permafrost conditions. The discussion turned out to be substantive and very interesting. Specialists of TatNIPIneft shared the results obtained during the development of a formulation of a gypsum-cement mixture based on SGC Grouting gypsum, aimed at solving the problem of eliminating absorption zones in the wells of JSC Tatneft. As you know, areas with high absorption inten-sity present great difficulties. However, despite the prevalence of this problem, service companies cannot yet offer a universal and unambiguously effective solution.The round table participants considered the possibility of using gypsum binders produced by SGK as one of the most effective and cost-effective ways to combat the absorption of drilling fluids and other liquids in wells.
As a result of the round table, an agreement was reached between all participants of the meeting on the need to continue research on Grouting gypsum as an important component of the grouting mixture aimed at solving the problem of high absorption zones.