An additional metal separator has been put into operation at the gypsum plant
Improving the quality of gypsum binders produced, in particular, the complete elimination of metal impurities , is a priority task of the Samara Gypsum Plant. One of the stages of our painstaking work is the installation and launch of an additional metal impurity catcher in the screening area.
During the period from February 12 to 14, a test run was carried out, which showed the high efficiency of the new equipment – the magnet perfectly copes with its task of capturing large fractions of metal impurities that enter the production line together with gypsum stone.
Thanks to the metal trap, the risk of damage to process equipment is reduced, and, as a result, there are no forced downtime associated with repairs. In addition, the new equipment increases the efficiency of magnets installed on subsequent sections of the technological line, which are responsible for removing fine impurities.
Based on the results of the analysis of test runs of the new metal catcher, a conclusion was made about the positive effect, and since February 18, the device has been operating on a permanent basis, being an integral part of the technological line for the production of gypsum binders. Thus, we have taken another step towards our goal - the production of gypsum with a metal impurity content of 0%, which exceeds the requirements of GOST. The plant does not stop working in this direction.