
Counterfeit goods on the market of dry building mixes

Gypsum world news

The newspaper "Technologies and Business in the market of dry building mixes" published a brief message from the managing director of the Union of CCC Manufacturers Evgeny Belyaev, dedicated to the current problem of counterfeit products in the domestic CCC market.

The report discusses several main ways to fake products. The most" harmless " way is to buy CCC in a standard large package (25-30 kg) and self-packaging in smaller volumes (2-3 kg). This allows the seller to significantly increase the margin, but also satisfies the needs of the private buyer in a small amount of high-quality material for cosmetic repairs. The manufacturer's interests are affected only indirectly. It is worth noting that most often sellers who use this method of forgery pack the material in a package that copies the original one.

Another method causes much more damage to the manufacturer and consumer: there are often cases of packaging in" branded " packaging, independently made in a cheap printing house, ordinary construction gypsum or sand-cement composition. As a result, the buyer is deceived, and a stain falls on the image of the manufacturing company.

The third method, similar in the degree of damage — is the purchase of inexpensive SSS produced by a small and little-known enterprise and sold at a much higher price under the guise of products of a well-known brand. It is worth noting that this method of forgery is currently the least common.

According to Evgeny Belyaev, the main reason for the widespread use of counterfeit goods in the market of dry building mixes is the simplicity and undemanding nature of manufacturing fake products, which are difficult to distinguish from the original. This feature sharply distinguishes the market of CCC, plasters, putties, paints-from the markets of other building materials, which are not so easy to produce in a "garage" environment.

As for the localization of the problem, counterfeit products reach a discernible volume only in those regions where spontaneous "open markets" are widespread and are the main format of sale — first of all, Moscow and the Moscow region, then the Volga region and the Urals.

According to the report, the boom in counterfeit mixtures occurred in the first half of the 2000s, and today the overall scale of the problem has significantly decreased.: only 1% of the products on the market are fake. The credit for reducing the volume of counterfeiting belongs mainly to the work of law enforcement agencies and the development of consumer culture. The manufacturer's means of protection are periodic changes in the packaging design, high-quality printing, the use of protective barcodes and holographic stickers. Despite the positive dynamics, the problem is still relevant, especially for large manufacturers, which are the main victims of copying.

The real problem will be solved only with a complete transition from spontaneous construction "collapses" to civilized commercial enterprises and construction super-and hypermarkets, that is, to a radical change in the culture of trade and consumption in the construction sector.

Source: "Technologies and Business in the dry building mixes market", February 2013


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