
Expert opinion on optimizing the composition of the CCC

Gypsum world news

The history of the industrial production of dry building mixes goes back about 15 years. During this time, dry mixes have become part of everyday and ubiquitous construction practices.

Today, the industry continues to develop actively: manufacturers do not get tired of improving production technologies and properties of their products, the culture of consumption of dry building mixes at construction sites and construction markets is increasing. High-performance machine methods of finishing work are beginning to be widely used.

The magazine "Dry Building Mixes" (No. 2, 2013) published an interview with some prominent representatives of the industry, devoted to the development of production and the CCC market in Russia.

Sergey Ometov noted the importance of optimizing CCC compositions by reducing cement consumption and reducing the cost of the final product, and spoke about the types and features of functional additives: hardeners, plasticizers, water - retaining agents, moderators, accelerators, etc. - each of them has its own unique mechanism of action and can demonstrate both positive and negative properties when interacting with cement. As a result, according to Ometov, when using too many functional additives, the characteristics of the mixture noticeably decrease, not to mention a significant increase in the cost of the product. The expert suggests a different scenario for optimizing CCC formulations — reducing the cost by minimizing the amount, types, and concentration of additives. At the same time, to increase the volume of the mixture and reduce its consumption, certain finely ground fillers are introduced into the composition.

According to the expert, testing of trial batches of dry building mixes should be carried out on the entire range of their properties, including durability. Based on the test results, changes can be made to the working composition of the mixture. The factory laboratory should monitor the dosage, technical and technological parameters of processing components of used formulations in accordance with the technological maps.

The use of modified dry building mixes in construction in combination with advanced construction technologies of a systematic nature provides a significant increase in the quality and productivity of work, reducing the cost of construction, repair and operation of facilities. Already today, the use of the world's rich experience in the production of CCC with functional additives allows some companies to overcome the lag in the production of top-quality products that is still available in our country, and to compete seriously with the world's leading manufacturers.

In addition to Sergey Ometov, other industry experts took part in the presented interview, and it is not possible to cover all the topics raised and opinions expressed in a short article: therefore, a separate note will be devoted to each interesting message in the future.

Source: "Dry building mixes "(No. 2, 2013)


Samara, Russia
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